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Here is the list:
Best Smartphones
Top smartphones with a common OS like iPhones and Android smartphones.| (View list...)
Best Dual-SIM Smartphones Sold Unlocked
They are currently offered in unlocked version, they are dual-SIM, and they are the best, according to us! (View list...)
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Best Selfie SmartPhones
Check out the best-ranking selfie phones (with high-megapixel selfie cams and best review ratings). (View list...)
Best Phablets 2025 (Big-screen smartphones)
Overized smartphones straddle the border between phone and tablet, making them phablets. Here are the best phablets, ranked by Phonerated as of March 2025. (View list...)
Best Global Flip Phones
Flip phones are still alive! This list ranks the best flip phones, by review score. (View list...)
Best Camera Phones
Best camera smartphone ranking of high-megapixel models with special camera features. (View list...)