Camera Details | |
Camera Resolution | 3.2-megapixel |
Camera flash | |
Display | |
Display size | 2.2 inches |
Display dots per inch | 181.82 DPI |
Display Type | TFD |
Color Mode | 65535 colors |
Display Resolution | 240 x 320 px |
Display's superficy | 2.32 square inches |
Display's superficy (metric) | 58.93 square mm |
Display total pixels | 76800 |
Physical Features | |
Weight | 4.6 ounces |
Weight (grams) | 130g |
Dimensions | 4.3 x 2.1 x 0.9 |
Dimensions mm | 109 x 53 x 22.9 |
Rugged | |
Connectivity | |
Base technology |
Battery Life | |
Stand-by Time | 120hours |
Talk Time | 360minutes |
Battery type | Li-Ion |
Battery Power | 1140 mAh |
mAh per ounce | 248 mAh/oz |
mAh per gram | 9 mAh/g |
mAh per display square in. | 491mAh/sqrin. |
Talk minutes per Ah | 316min./Ah |
Music / Multimedia | |
Stereo | |
General Specs | |
Push-to-Talk | |
Special features | Internal Antenna |
Other features | |
GPS Navigator | VZ Navigator� |
Location services | GPS |
Text-to-speech |
Also known as: Casio GzOne Ravine, Verizon Ravine.
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* Specifications cannot be guaranteed accurate. Do a confirmation of the key specs before making a final choice. Cell phone manufacturers sometimes omit certain functions, making it difficult for us to guess whether or not a specific cell phone has a specific function. If you see an error in this description, please let us know as soon as possible.