Complete SFR 102 Specs

Display size1.77 inches
Display dots per inch115.94 DPI
Color Mode65535 colors
Display Resolution128 x 160 px
Display's superficy1.53 square inches
Display's superficy (metric)38.86 square mm
Display total pixels20480
Operating SystemUnopened OS
Physical Features
Weight (grams)66g
Thickness (metric)13 mm
Width (metric)46 mm
Height (metric)107.2 mm
Grams per cubic cm0.1 g/cu cm
Available colorsBlack
Included AccessoriesMono headset
Base technology
  • GSM Dual Band
  • GSM: 900/1800
SIM card typeStandard SIM
Head SAR value (radiation)1.01 w/Kg
Bluetooth Technology3.0
FM Transmitter
ConnectorsConnectivity jack
Storage Memory
Memory ExpansionMicroSD
Expansion LimitUp to 32GB
Battery Life
Stand-by Time200hours
Battery Power850mAh
mAh per gram13 mAh/g
mAh per mm thick65 mAh/mm of thickness
mAh per display square in.556mAh/sqrin.
General Specs
Special featuresNote SFR Autonomy 10/10
Manufacture product ID102
Other features
Eco features5/5 Eco-rating As Per SFR Assessment, Climate Impact: 7 (Kg CO2), Environmental Category: Classical


Following the SFR 101, the 102 offers nearly the same set of features with only a slight difference in physical design. It boasts a perfect 5-out-of-5 eco-rating according to SFR's standards. SFR backs it up with a 2-year warranty, unlike most other brands with the usual 1-year support. The separated keys on its numeric keypad might also prove more convenient for texting compared to some other models.

General SFR 102 Information

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* We cannot guarantee that these specs are accurate. We urge you to do a confirmation of the key specs before making a final choice. Cell phone makers do not always detail all their phone's functions, making it difficult for us to guess whether or not a specific cell phone has a specific function. If you spot an inaccuracy in this list of features, please let us know as soon as possible.

* Prices shown are only indicative. They were recently fetched by our system and may have changed meanwhile.


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