Full TTfone Jupiter Specs

Key Specs
Release dateJul 31, 2013
Display Resolution128 x 64 px
Physical Features
Weight (grams)72g
Thickness (metric)15.5 mm
Width (metric)47 mm
Height (metric)110 mm
Grams per cubic cm0.09 g/cu cm
Available colorsBlack
Included AccessoriesCharging dock
Base technologyGSM 900/1800
Head SAR value (radiation)0.622 w/Kg
Battery Life
Stand-by Time240hours
Talk Time210minutes
Battery typeLi-Ion
Battery Power800mAh
mAh per gram11 mAh/g
mAh per mm thick52 mAh/mm of thickness
mAh per display square in.58mAh/sqrin.
Talk minutes per Ah263min./Ah
General Specs
Manufacture product IDTT800
Other features
Alarm clock (with World Time)
Special keysSOS Button
Hearing Aid RatingSome sources say it is compatible


TTfone adds the Jupiter TT800 to their roster of usable simple phones that are obviously built for elderly people who are looking for ultra-simple and easy-to-use phones. It is outfitted with several senior-focused features such as large buttons, an SOS emergency button, a one-touch button for the flashlight, and a talking-buttons feature (keys with voice accompaniment). It runs on an 800mAh battery that has a stand-by time of 10 days and a talk time of 210 minutes. It is also among the most lightweight phones on record, with a weight of 72 grams.

Also called TTfone TT800.

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* Spec accuracy is not guaranteed. Please do a confirmation of the key specs before making a final choice. Cell phone makers do not always detail all their phone's functions, making it difficult for us to guess whether or not a specific cell phone has a specific function. If you spotted an inaccuracy in this spec sheet, please let us know as soon as possible.

* Prices shown are only indicative. They were recently fetched by our system and may have changed meanwhile.


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