Full Virgin Mobile VM 820 Specs

Main Camera
Camera Details
Camera Resolution2-megapixel
Video frames per second15
Display size2.4 inches
Color Mode262144 colors
Display Resolution?
Display total pixels0
Physical Features
Weight (grams)105g
Dimensions mm112.5 x 60.5 x 11.5
Full keyboardQWERTY
Available colors
  • Black
  • Pink
Base technology
  • GSM 850
  • GSM 900
  • GSM 1800
  • GSM 1900
Wireless DATA (3G / 4G)GPRS
Head SAR value (radiation)--
Bluetooth Technology(unknown version)
Storage Memory
Memory ExpansionMicroSD
Expansion LimitUp to 16GB
Battery Life
Stand-by Time800hours
Talk Time380minutes
Battery Power1000mAh
mAh per gram10 mAh/g
mAh per display square in.221mAh/sqrin.
Talk minutes per Ah380min./Ah
General Specs
Custom GraphicsWallpaper


The Virgin Mobile VM 820 is a basic texting phone with a QWERTY keyboard and a slim design -- it is only 11.5mm thick! It comes in black and pink.

Also known as: VM 820.

General Virgin Mobile VM 820 Information

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* Spec accuracy is not guaranteed. Please do a confirmation of the key specs before making a final choice. Cell phone makers do not always detail all their phone's functions, making it difficult for us to guess whether or not a specific cell phone has a specific function. If you spotted an inaccuracy in this spec sheet, please let us know as soon as possible.

* Prices shown are only indicative. They were recently fetched by our system and may have changed meanwhile.


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