25 Must-know Yezz Classic C23A Specs

Main Camera
Key Specs
Release dateJan 31, 2016

Camera Details
Camera Resolution0.3-megapixel
Display size1.8 inches
Display dots per inch113.48 DPI
Display Resolution128 x 160 px
Display's superficy1.58 square inches
Display's superficy (metric)40.13 square mm
Display total pixels20480
Physical Features
Weight (grams)81g
Thickness (metric)12.6 mm
Width (metric)48.5 mm
Height (metric)112 mm
Grams per cubic cm0.12 g/cu cm
Available colors
  • White
  • Silver
  • Red
  • Black
  • Blue
  • Fuchsia
  • Gold
  • Green
Base technologyGSM/GPRS (850/900/1800/1900MHz)
SIM card typeDual
FM Transmitter
Storage Memory
Memory ExpansionMicroSD
Expansion LimitUp to 8GB
Battery Life
Battery Power600mAh
mAh per gram7 mAh/g
mAh per mm thick48 mAh/mm of thickness
mAh per display square in.380mAh/sqrin.
Other features


Available in eight different colors (Gold and Pink included), the Classic C23A brings back a bevy of classic basic phone specs, including dual SIM card support, an 8GB microSD card slot, and a 1.8-inch QQVGA screen. It sports a 0.3-megapixel camera, with a basic multimedia player and an LED torchlight joining the mix as well. The C23A supports quad-band GSM connectivity and Bluetooth.

Also known as: Yezz C23A.

General Yezz Classic C23A Information

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* Spec accuracy is not guaranteed. Please do a confirmation of the key specs before making a final choice. Cell phone manufacturers sometimes omit certain functions, making it difficult for us to guess whether or not a specific cell phone has a specific function. If you see an error in this spec sheet, please let us know as soon as possible.

* Prices shown are only indicative. They were recently fetched by our system and may have changed meanwhile.


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