34 Must-know Yezz Classic C60 Specs

Main Camera
Key Specs
Release dateFeb 28, 2015
Camera Details
Camera Resolution1.3-megapixel
Display size2.4 inches
Display dots per inch166.67 DPI
Display TypeTFT
Color Mode262144 colors
Display Resolution320 x 240 px
Display's superficy2.76 square inches
Display's superficy (metric)70.1 square mm
Display total pixels76800
Physical Features
Weight (grams)80g
Thickness (metric)12.6 mm
Width (metric)50.4 mm
Height (metric)118 mm
Grams per cubic cm0.11 g/cu cm
Available colorsBlack
Base technology
  • GPRS/GSM (850/900/1800/1900MHz)
  • HSPA (850/1900MHz) or HSPA (900/2100MHz)
3G NetworksHSPA
SIM card typeDual
Bluetooth Technology2.1 EDR
USB classMicroUSB v2.0
FM Transmitter
ConnectorsMicro USB
Storage Memory
Memory ExpansionMicroSD
Expansion LimitUp to 32GB
Battery Life
Stand-by Time167hours
Talk Time360minutes
Battery typeLithium-Ion
Battery Power1000mAh
mAh per gram13 mAh/g
mAh per mm thick79 mAh/mm of thickness
mAh per display square in.362mAh/sqrin.
Talk minutes per Ah360min./Ah


Doing away with the folding form factor of the C50, the Yezz Classic C60 adapts a candybar shell, housing specs like a 2.4-inch QVGA (320 x 240) screen, a microSD card slot for up to 32GB of external storage, and a 3G HSPA data adapter. The Classic C60's remaining features are also rather classic by basic phone measures, including a lone 1.3-megapixel camera, Bluetooth v2.1, and a built-in LED flashlight. It also comes with an FM transmitter and a multimedia player. Weighing in at a mere 80g, the C60 powers up from a 1000mAh battery.

Also called Yezz C60.

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* Spec accuracy is not guaranteed. Please do a confirmation of the key specs before making a final choice. Cell phone manufacturers sometimes omit certain functions, making it difficult for us to guess whether or not a specific cell phone has a specific function. If you find an error in this spec sheet, please let us know as soon as possible.

* Prices shown are only indicative. They were recently fetched by our system and may have changed meanwhile.


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